May God richly bless you !!

As Christians we are called to be fishers of men... so

have you been fishing lately?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The light up ahead

With writing these two blogs lately I have been giving a lot of thought to my past. I have noticed a very serious trend on my part that Satan has used repeatedly to rob me of blessings. I will just bet he has used it on some of you as well. He has encouraged me to quit right before my blessing would have come through if I had just stuck it out. I can not begin to tell you the number of times in my life where I was struggling with something and decided to just give up and go do something else and then later only to find out I quit right before my breakthrough. I am reminded of Moses and the hebrew people in the wilderness and that old song Canaanland is just in sight. The song says " Moses led God's people, forty years he led them through the dark and through the night. Though they walked through valleys, though they climbed high mountains they must not give up the fight, though they said let's turn back Moses said keep going Canaanland is just in sight.
I don't know who this is for this morning, but I just felt led to share this. I believe someone who reads this will be facing a battle and the easy thing to do would be to turn and leave, but I believe if you will stand firm and look ahead you will see theres light just up ahead and it is the light of the Lord himself bringing you into your blessing!


  1. I was busy yesterday and failed to read your post for Tuesday. When I read it this morning, it is uncanny how closely your post resembles my own experience yesterday. I sing in a gospel group, which has been having some difficulties. So I had decided to tell the group at practice last night that I was going to take a break from singing for a while. But when I arrived at church to practice, the one member who was causing the difficulties came and apologized to me for his behavior and asked me to please forgive him. God answered my prayer, but in a different way than I had anticipated. God is so good! Thank you so much for your words of inspiration! Please keep posting. God bless you. Your friend, Genevieve

  2. Praise the Lord! You must let me know when your group will be singing I would love to come and hear you. You have been on my mind a lot. I want you to know you are a great encouragement to me.
