May God richly bless you !!

As Christians we are called to be fishers of men... so

have you been fishing lately?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Are you frustrated too?

I am currently searching for a new church and while I am very traditional I did attend what I call one of these modern churches yesterday. You know the kind with the songs on the wall. (I hate that!) Any who the young whippersnapper of a preacher, who in all honesty was probably a few years older than me ,even though he was very unconventional he said something that really stood out to me, and that is when a fisher isn't catching fish he get's frustrated (I am paraphrasing here) but that's true enough right?.Well we as Christians are called to be fishers of men are we not? Yet how many of us can honestly say we have even been fishing in the last year two years or even ten years? Could this not be the source of our mediocre lives? Could this not be the source of our frustrations? The fact that we know that we are not doing with our lives as we are meant to and our not living up to our potential. Even more sobering is the thought that thousands upon thousands of souls are dying each year and being cast into a devil's hell because we as a body of believer's are sitting back and not doing our jobs. Because we have chosen to chase after the all important dollar rather than on the eternal souls of our friends, families, neighbors and the common man, woman and child! There's a song entitled "People need the Lord" that says "when will we realize that we must give our lives for people need the Lord"? I ask you when?

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